Friday, August 14, 2009

Childish Adults..

I can't begin to describe how annoying it is to have adults act like such spoiled stubborn annoying thick headed children!! It gets on my nerves!! It drives me insane!! I cant stand it!! I mean i know how everyone says that the older you get, the younger you act.. I agree with that.. But still, how the hell can you be this childish??!!!
Today morning i had 2 of my supervisors arguing over such a dumb dumb dumb matter.. Try imagining this, 2 grown adults approximately 55 years old arguing over which was the better way to cover up a small little insignificant bloody hole in a bloody wall!! WAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING???!!! I mean what was going on in those aged little heads of theirs??? Fine.. Fine.. Maybe they saw no other way to settle this but to challenge the amplitude of each other's voices.. Fine.. Maybe.. I can accept that.. But you do it in front of about 30 general workers??? 30 little minds who look up to you as their gods?? 30 little heads who report directly to you with utmost respect?? COME ON!! Where the hell did your mentality run off to??!! Got hitched and ran away with your sensibility???!!
Things like these really makes me think.. Makes me think of how different I am.. Of how differently i think.. I hate to say it, but things like these make me feel like I'm alone in this world filled with idiots who simply cannot tune into the frequency of the incredible universe!! Why cant they reason things out?? Why cant they look at the bigger picture?? Why the hell cant they simply take a second off to use that smoke-dried nicotine-addicted dried-up aged brains of theirs to reason things out like the civilized adults they claim to be??!!! WHY???!!!

bloody hell.. I've gotta start meditating


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