Sunday, November 8, 2009


Its been long since i wrote in here. To be honest, i don't really know what to write. I don't know Wat i should tell u about. There's nothing much going on. I work my balls off. Yup.. That i definitely do. I get pushed around by everyone in office. Not because I'm afraid of them. But because i let them. The thing is i haven't been confirmed yet. Still under some bloody probationary period. So I'm letting things be the way it is. I don't wanna show my bad side. I don't wanna risk loosing everything i have been working for the past few months. Too much effort, time and sleepless nights have gone into this job. I'm not gonna risk loosing it because of a few bastards. Screw them. They can pretend to be anything they want now. I'm giving u time. At the same time, I'm counting the days till i finally can blow up everything that has bee building up within me this whole year. SO u have time. Run around and enjoy the illusionary power u conjured up and convince yourself exist. Enjoy it while you can.
Don't get me wrong. Please don't. I'm not the vengeful type. I don't keep grudges. I don't plan vendettas. Nothing whatsoever. But some people need to learn a lesson. Some people simply NEED to be taught a lesson. But enough about that. Lets not get worked up again over that. Let it go.. let it go k.. Wusha.. hahahahahhahahahahha!!!
So.. I'll be turning 23 next month. Pretty big step for me. I'm gettin old!! old old old!! damn!!! My whole life, I've been a dreamer. I have goals in life i wish to achieve. I have dreams to chase. Lots and lots i simply have to accomplish. Oh yes.. a whole lot!! and this past year has been pretty productive for me. I', impressed and pleased with the way things have been going. I've changed a whole lot this past year. I'm happy with the changes. I'm happy with how far I've gone with regards to my job. I've met incredible incredible people along the way. Really good friends. So yeah.. So far so good!!
But lots more to come. Lots more to do. Lots more to achieve. Lots and lots. I gotta keep the pace up. I cant afford to start slacking away. I gotta keep moving up. Up Up Up!! Till the time comes when i actually AM the King i once thought I'd be!


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