Thursday, September 17, 2009

i cant sleep..

Monday, September 14, 2009

lil cuz

Bloody hell. Life sure has a way of fucking u up. Just when u think everything is going well, and that life for once was starting to brighten up, shit happens. And for me, when shit happens, oh it happens bad. My cousin met with an accident today morning. He's in penang. I'm at teluk intan. His dad was riding him to school when their bike kinda got tangled with another bike. That poor guy got tossed out and god knows how far he flew. Landed on his face. Was wearing a bloody helmet but he cracked his skull. Now he's lying in the hospital unconscious. His brains are bleeding internally. Doctors are waiting for a second scan to see if the bleeding has stopped. If it hasn't, then surgery is the only options. He doesn't deserve this. Not at all. He's a nice kid. Bloody hardworking. Really really nice boy. It fucking annoys me how bad things only happen to good people. Wat the fuck is happening to karma and all that??!! Is it non-existent??? Why the fuck does he have to go through all this?? He's bloody 13!!