Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday blues

I didn't go to work yesterday. Got into quite a bit of trouble for not going, but screw that. It was bloody worth it. Last week was insanely hectic for me. I had a tonne of work to complete. Field after fields to manage and watch over as maintenance was carried out. Stacks and stacks of paperwork to prepare from scratch and ensure that the summarized version is incredibly perfect enough to impress Colombian as well as Costa Rica's Private Research Institutes and to get them to sign collaboration deals with us. I had idiots of bosses to deal with each and every minute of the day. Some even have the guts to call me at 8pm to their bungalows so that they can pass me more work to complete for the next day. SO, i applied for a leave on Monday. I applied for it on Saturday. Now that's my fault. I know, I'm kinda pushing my limits with that. But screw it. I bloody hell deserved it. Second-in-charge kinda screwed me up a lil for that. But screw him too!
I headed to kl. This time I didn't drive. A new chap joined out company last week. Punjabi dude. Nice guy. We get along quite well. Pretty much the same frequency. He was driving down and once he heard that I was heading that way, he suggested carpooling. When k doesn't have to drive, when k can sleep the whole way as someone else drives him, and when k gets treated like royalty for being a senior, how can k say no?!! We got to kl in a lil over 2 hours. I met up with a really good friend of mine. Had dinner. Met up with a few other friends. Had a few drinks. Joined my brother later that night, got wasted. Headed back to his place, and knocked out. The next day i did absolutely nothing productive. Nothing at all. Not a single thing!! And it felt good!! Real real good!! I like being lazy!! Somehow, after a really fucked up week, there's nothing more u can fantasize about, nothing more u can crave for, nothimg more that ur mojo desires, but plain ol' 'being-a-pig'. Oh yeah.. I watched 2012 that night. Pretty good movie. Kinda freaky, but pretty good!! I dont wanna die!! NOOO!! i'm too young!! I dont wanna die when i'm 26!! Please!! Please world!! DONT END!! If u really insist on ending then go ahead.. Just lemme get a lil boat before u decide to drown urself. Oh yeah.. remind me to grab a crate of beer and my fishing rod. That should do for me:D
Next day, on Monday, a friend of mine was heading to Lumut. So I hitched a ride from him and got back. Got back pretty early. Had lunch and all then off for a test. Tabla test. I'm learning how to play the table. Its a classical Indian drum kinda thing. 2 piece drum set. NO sticks. Only fingers and hands. Beautiful beautiful vibrations. Absolutely love it. Absolutely. And i did pretty well for the test. Kinda proud bout that. Grabbed a Malay bite after that and headed home. And today.. oh yes.. today.. Today i got hit. I got struck. I got stabbed. I got my happiness mugged. By the notorious Tuesday blues.
This is pretty much the first time I'm blogging as a diary. I don't think I've done this before. Most of the time its about emotions or occasions. But never about the specifications of what i had done. I thought I should do this. Or at least try to do this. Feels bloody weird narrating the past. But i guess it has its perks. This way, i can look back sometime in the future and remember finite details of my past. Pretty cool eh!! And here i though people wrote diaries to show off to the world how great and spectacular they were. HAHAHHAHAH!! Mean mean mean k.


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