Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Watch!!

My watch my watch my watch!!! 2 days back my boss screwed me up because i was late for work by 2 minutes. Instead of being here at 6.30, i was here at 6.32. Now, to the average Joe like you and me, this is by far no big deal. I mean come on. Hey, wats 2 minutes when u start work when 90 percent of the country is still dreaming about Friday the 13th. But.. but.. To an idiotic boss like mine, 2 minutes could spell the end of the world!! Your were 2 minutes late??!!!! Wat would have happened if someone got killed within that 2 minutes??!! Are you going to be responsible for them Kandha?? Are you??!!!
Yup.. That's what i deserve for coming 2 freaking minutes late. I do the most amount of work here compared to the other 8 lazy ass bastards of pigs i call colleagues. I go through more stress then all of them put together. I'm the youngest of the lot. I'm the one left in this god-forsaken place all by myself with no family. I leave work the latest and get home on average at about 6.30 each and every day. But no. Oh oh oh no. You were late!!!
So. When kandha's faced with a problem, Kandha finds a solution. I used to have a nice watch. Loved it a lot. But thats in the past. Lets not get into there. I got myself another one. A simple casio. One of those 'outdoorsie' kinda watches. so wat i did.. or actually HAD to do was to set my watch 10 minutes faster. I know its stupid. I mean things like this dont work if u know that ur watch is fast by 10 minutes Its dumb. Bute hear me out. My body kinda has this biological clock thing going on. it works in such a way that its impossible for my 'early morning body' to wake up any sooner than 5.30. And my early morning body is far too drowzy, pissed, and cigarette free to know the difference between the real time, and 'my watch' time. SO...... This whole ten minutes thing actually works!!!
But now, there's another problem. I'm too early for work. I come to this bloody office and everything is pitch black with not a single soul around :(


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