Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Section 498

HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!! I just read the funniest thing on the news!! Wat is the world coming to?? Now.. lemme try to explain wat i just read..
The Women’s Aid Organi- sation (WAO), All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Sisters in Islam (SIS) and Pusat Kesedaran Komuniti (EMPOWER) have joined hands in calling for the abolition of Section 498 of the Penal Code which they claimed was discriminatory against women (The Star, 2009). Now they believe that this lil law here is unfair, and they want it removed immediately. Now, u wanna know the funny part??? Try guessing what Section 498 stipulates???? I am so so sorry if u don't find this funny.. But i couldn't stop laughing when i read this!! Laughed so bad i almost choked on the tears streaming down my eyes into my mouth!!!
Now now.. lemme explain Section 498.. Section 498 carries a punishment against any man convicted of “enticing a married woman. The section states that a man who enticed, took away or detained with a criminal intent a married woman can be jailed up to two years, fined, or both if convicted!! WAT THE FUCK!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!! THEY WAN THIS REMOVED???? THEY WAN MEN TO 'ENTICE' THEM???? HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAA!!! Good heavens!! Wat is happening to the standard of household sex amongst married couples in malaysia???!!! Is it so so so bad for them that they are going through all this trouble just so that other men aren't afraid of hittin on them??!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!! I cant stop laughing!!!


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