Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Goodness gracious me! Its been ages since i wrote in this thing! wow! I bloody love blogs! Today i decided to read all those things i posted months back. And what a feeling! I mean i had flashbacks of people, and faces, and incidents, and emotions! Its bloody awesome!!!!
I got transferred last week. I'm now running my very own department which covers 5 other estates. This is the first time someone in the research department has ever been given the opportunity. And all i can say is 'ITS FUCKIN AWESOME!!!!!'
This is heaven! I mean work is tough. I call shots, so i have to pretty much make sure i dont fuck up. I decide everything here. SO there isnt gonna be anyone whom i can run and hide behind whenever a mistake happens. Its challenging. But i love the challenge. I will prove myself worthy. I shall show them how great i can be. I'm bound to make mistakes. But like some random dude once said, mistakes are stepping stones on the pathway to success! SO woohoo!!! I shall make as many mistakes as possible! HAHAHHAHAHA!
Anyway, things have been pretty great lately. Life is still single. HAHAHHA! But somehow i'm starting to enjoy it. I enjoy the freedom. I enjoy my space. I enjoy how i have time for everyone else now. Things are good with the family. Sister is fucking up though. She has gotten herself into such a mess. My parents are dazed. Still in a state of shock. NO one knows wat to do. Not even me. Bloody hell. I hate her for doing thins to the family. But i will somehow sort it out. I have to.
I havent been focusing on myself much lately. With the transfer and all the changes that has been happening, somehow i havent been able to find time for myself. I look like a mess. Skin is burnt to the bone. My hair is probably long enough to pull the prince up Rapunzel's tower. I havent worked out in ages! As in ageeeeees! Diet is temporarily messed up. Havent gotten myself a routine yet. So yea.. I am a mess!
Work here is BlOoDY AWESOME! I love it here! Absolutely love it! People here are insanely friendly. Everyone seems to get along well with everyone else! And the best part, they're all of the same cuckoo frequency as me!! WOOHOO! Work is stress free. Once everything is planned well, there's not much to worry about. No boss to run after u all day. No need to be watching over your back each time you light up a fag. No need to hold ur poop back till ur break time! HAHAHHA!! If poopie come, then poopie i shall go! I love it here. Its about 1.5 hours from kl. That means i can go to kl almost every week if i wan to and not have to think twice about the tiring journey. The clubhouse here is freakin Bombastic! Crap i cant believe i just used the work bombastic. U see?? THIS is wat estate life does to u! U get trapped in a whirlpool of time and space! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!! But seriously, the club house is amazing. The swimming pool, the tennis court, the badminton court, the snooker table, the ping pong table, the lounge, the bar, and of course the insanely cheap alcoholic beverages! Its all bloody bloody awesome! I have so much of time for myself. Maybe not now as i'm still getting settled in. But once all is done, i will have so so much time for myself. That can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Good as in stress free and i get to do anything i want, ad bas as in knowing my bloody mind, its gonna drift off into some dark world.. Dammit.. I might need a psychiatrist in a few months.. I wonder if there are any incredible beautiful single young psychiatrists out there.. Hmm.. HAHAHAH!
But all in all, i love it here. This is the place where i am gonna prove myself. This is the place where i get to show the world what i am capable of. This is the place which is gonna transform me into the King i once thought I'd be! Yup.. i will make it happen .. U just watch..
My mind is still messed up. After about a year and a half since things happened, my mind is still bloody messed up. But that i shall talk about another day. Me dont wanna get meself all depressed and emo on this beautiful beautiful thursday afternoon! Thats all for now, Future-King-To-Be signing out!


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