Wednesday, January 13, 2010

who am i?

I hate myself. I dont know what there is to hate. But i hate myself. Since a few things happened to me last year, i changed myself. I forced myself to change. I cater to people. I cater to everyone's needs. Everyone's desires. I change myself for the sole purpose of making others feel happy. I blend in beautifully with people. With everyone. I click with people of all different lifestyles. With all different backgrounds. From all different levels of life. To such an extent i learned, i forced myself to learn, how to blend in. How to act and speak in from of eacch person based on who they are. And i am good at it. Really really good at it. I speak really well. I carry myself bloody well. Everyone i talk to somehow feel like they can connect to me. Everyone i talk to somehow take a liking to me. Everyone. And this is not something I am trying to brag about. I have been fooling myself. No one else but myself. I do things for people. I change who I am every minute of the day to cater to those who arearound me. I do it and i do it well. So well that each person, everyone, every-bloody-one thinks that they know me. EVERYONE! And each one knows me as a different person. Ask people about me and everyone will give u a different description about me. What the fuck have i done. What the fuck have i done to myself. I have been playing in this bloody play for so long that now, bloody now, i dont even fucking know myself. I dont know who i am. i dont fucking know who the hell I bloody am!!!


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