Saturday, December 26, 2009

Home Sweet Home

The last time i came back home was about 2 or 3 months back. Sometime early in October. To most people that isn't quite a big deal. I mean hey.. 2 months away from home is nothing at all. Most people go home about once a year! So what is 2 months!! But for me its different. I love home. I'm a mommy's boy. And i dare to admit it. Probably am a Daddy's boy too. And maybe also a sister's and brother's boy!! yeah yeah.. I'm the youngest in the family. But that doesn't in any way at all mean that i was the pampered spoilt one. Nope. Growing up, i had always been the black sheep of the family. The outcast. My brother was the good looking ideal son. My sister was the incredible smart and beautiful daughter. Me?? crap.. The insignificant other member of the family. And none of this was the fault of my family. They treated me the way i deserved to be treated. I was always getting myself into trouble. The playful one who never took life seriously. I was smart. And i mean bloody smart! Everyone in my family knew that. But being the person that i was back then, my parents thought that I'd never take life seriously. That i'd never go anywhere in life. HAHHAHAHAHAH!! Hilarious aint it??? I dont blame them at all for this. It was all my bloody mistakes that had lead to this. I deserved what i got.
But i changed. Not on college while doing my degree. No. Not much. Things did improve during college. But they were still worried about me. Things changed this year. Since i got the job. Since i started looking at life seriously. Since i let go of all my bloody idiotic perceptions and ideas i had stuck in my head from a young age. Since i matured. Yeah.. a lot has changed.
My mom absolutely adored me. She loves me so so so much. My dad has got the highest amounts of respect for me. He is so so proud of me. My sister is still in a state of shock i think. She simply cant believe how much i've changed. My bro, well he's always had faith in me. And now he loves bragging how he had been right about me. HAHAHHAHAHA!!!
I love home. No words can begin to describe how much i love being home. I love everything about it!! EVERYTHING!!! Love the smell of home. Love the sounds i get here. Love the people here! And u know what i love the most?? Food Food Food!!! Sweet sweet home cooked food!!! MMmMMmmMmm!!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!
I sure hope i get to come here more often next year. But that wouldn't be hard to do with a total of 39 days annual leave still under my name :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Turning over a new leaf..

And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets I've had a few
But then again too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Yes there were times I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out, I faced it all
And I stood tall and did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now as tears subside
I find it all so amusing

To think I did all that
And may I say not in a shy way
Oh no, oh no, not me
I did it my way

For what is a man what has he got
If not himself then he has not
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way

Yes it was my way

HAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHA!! i bloody love this song.. means so so so so much.. this bloody song actually brings tears to my eyes.. hahahhahhahahha!!! incredible!!!