Sunday, June 19, 2011

The not so perfect life..

Life is incredibly beautiful. I mean how many of us actually take the time to look back at things and awe over its splendours?? We all get too caught up in such petty little issues that we never appreciate what we have. Sad isn’t it? I think it’s really sad. Life will never be perfect. Never. No one has a perfect life. And it’s about time we realize that. Stop comparing yourself to people who you consider to be more fortunate. There is no such thing. The universe is beautiful in this sense. Everyone is born with their own advantages and their equal share of drawbacks. Never at any one time will everything be going well for any one person. When finance, family relations and social relations are going well, our hearts will crave and yearn for love. The lack of that special someone will be such a drawback in our lives that it blinds us from everything else we have. The same applies to everything else. When we have love, family relations might be tense. When we have family relations, finance may be problematic. Now this is normal. Completely normal. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only fucked up part is how we are so very ungrateful. We completely forget about everything else we have going on in our life when one thing is messed up. You get me? We make such a mockery over things we don’t have. We spend so much bloody time thinking and obsessing over what’s missing that we completely completely forget about the golden nuggets in our pockets. That’s bloody messed up. I live a life surrounded by a lot of people. And lots of them tend to confide in me. They share their problems. I don’t know why but they just do. And quite frankly I am fucking tired of their bullshit problems. I am tired of them bitching about what’s not going well. Why the fuck don’t they just talk and share with others the wonders going on in their life? Why?